Monday 7 May 2007


Gambling has had many different meanings depending on the cultural and historical context in which it is used. You can either gamble online or visit to Casino or Bingo etc.....
The gambling commission regulates that gambling in the public interest. It does this because its keeping crime out of gambling, by unsuring that gambling is conducted fairly and openly, and by protecting children and vulerable people from being harmed or exploited by gambling. I think that gambling is a fever that seems to affect nearly everyone as more and more states try to legalise various forms of gambling. I think that gambling is a way that some people enjoy their liesure times and liesure dollars, in the same way that going to the movies, ballgame, mall. and resturants are for others. People go to the Casino to sit and relax in the wonderful environment. Sometimes gambling can tend to get worrying, when warning signs that a person may be compulsive gambler are similar to those of someone who may have an alcohol or other drug addiction problem examples of borrowing of money, abuse of others, especially family members, change in eating habits, behaviour changes etc...

Saturday 5 May 2007


Masturbation is often a topic that people don't like talkin about. Its's not something that is just a male problem these days, but as many women also struggle with it as well. They say that culture tells us that there is nothing wrong with masturbation, yet our conscience often tells us otherwise...

It is held that inmany mental health circles that masturbation can relieve depression and lead to a higher sense of self worth. Masturbation can be particularly useful in relationships where one partner wants more sex than the other in which case masturbation provides a balancing effect and is more harmonious relationship.

Thursday 3 May 2007

Response to Asifa on bad cinema

I do agree with you about the film being useful for our aged people because it brought out the awareness about teenagers“Binge drinking, smoking, and going out and taking drugs” But however, I also think that it would be also useful for teenagers at the ages of 14 to etc to watch this. This is because that is the age where all these things happen, also it would make them understand ths issues for these problems.

Monday 30 April 2007


Shoplifting is known as retail theft or lifting.

There are people today or in groups who make their living from shoplifting, and also tend to be more skilled. Shoplifting is one of the most common crimes that are committed by teenagers.I think that everyone have their own views or opinions on whether shoplifting is wrong, depending on the situation. I think that mostly for teenagers, they feel pressure to steal so that they want to have the same expensive, stylish clothes they see their friends wearing. Also some tend to shoplift to prove that they fit in with friends who do tend to shoplift. But some people who shoplift can't really explain why they do it. Maybe because they think that life is so hard that the only way to get items is to steal.

When you hear the word shoplifting, what do you think of?

What do you think about tht person who shoplifts?

Sunday 29 April 2007


This lecture was a quite a surprising lecture. We got to watch this film called Kids which was made in 1995. This film was about skateboarders who are HIV postive, sets out to as many virgins as possible while this girl who contracted disease from one of the boys and tries to save his next target from her same fate. But unfortunatley it was too late.
I thought that this film was terrifying, but at the same time it was extremely true. What i mean by this is that young teenagers these days to attend to do drugs and sex because they think its cool and fun to do so. I think that teenagers out their should watch this film so that they know what really happens of getting involved with these important facts. This is because the film speaks out the truth about drugs and sex.

Friday 27 April 2007


I think that the most immediate effects of betrayal is the trust in the emotional impact on the person betrayed. It's like how they say it, the greater the trust that you had put in the other person and the greater the impact their betrayal has on you, then the greater the distress you will feel. When you are betrayed by someone, it is likely that you will not easily trust them again. You may forgive or forget but still some where inside you wil say you can not trust that person again like how you used to. Trust is fragile and can be lost instantly. If you have betrayed someone, it is best to come clean before things get ugly.

Sunday 22 April 2007

Bad Comedians

Some people might tend to think that bad comedians can supply people with the the need to make their event a success because people want to be entertained. It is not expected of people to learn something at an event which is designed to make them laugh. Their are truth hidden within the jokes of the truly comedians of both the past and present. You do come across comedians who are racist like for example Chris Rock. He brings a wide variety of humour that closely which looks at black slavery as well as current black racism in the world today.
Really comedians who tend to be racist should really stop and just really try to make people laugh by not being racist to any religion. I think that comedians have it rough but they seem to be having an easier time teaching people about problems that people face in every day then any religion done in the past. I think that people are looking for an answer to what is wrong in their daily lives, but comedians find a way of living from showing people these flaws and also making people laugh at it.

Saturday 21 April 2007


What is Infidelity?

Is it cheating on a partner?Having affairs?Sleeping around?Flirting?Lusting?Other?Infidelity is literally a breach of faith. Affairs usually begin with an attraction to someone you know fairly well, someone you spend time with each week Affairs can occur in happy marriages as well as in troubled ones. Multiple affairs may indicate an addiction to sex, love or romance. Love and romance addicts are driven by the passion of a new relationships. A new crisis of infidelity is emerging in which people who never intended to be unfaithful are unwittingly crossing the line from platonic friendships into romatic relationships.

Tuesday 17 April 2007


The world's number one public health enemy, causes two million preventable deaths each year. Smoking the delivery system usually takes possession of its victims in their early teens and rapidly becomes an intergal part of their styles of life. The popularity of smoking is understandable. The very ritual of lighting up and smoking confers a sense of poise and security, and each cigarette reinforces the addiction by instant satisfication of the smoker's craving. What makes people start and continue to smoke in the face of incontrovertible evidence on the adverse health effcts of tabacco use? Smokers themselves, understandably, tend to see the habit in less negative terms. They may regard themselves as addicted , and they're to describe smoking in terms of pleasure. But usually as a matter of smoking ''calming'' them.

Monday 2 April 2007

Body Modification

Body Modification is changing of the body by various means and to varying degrees from it's natural original state to another. People around the world have been piercing, tattooing, and pianting their bodies for ages. Body piercing usually refers to the piercing of a part of the body for the purpose of wearing jewelry in the opening created. Some people tend to piercing for religious or other cultural reasons, while many individuals, choose to be pierced for spritual ornamental, or sexual reasons. I think tattooing is probably the most popular form of body. Tattoo is a puncture wound, made deep in your skin, that's filled with ink. I think many people prefer discreet designs that can be concealed for certain occasions. Body painting is worldwide, the most ancient and direct method of corporeal decoration. People paint their bodies for reasons of identification, ritual, or beauty.

Sunday 1 April 2007

Being to religious

The aim of this session was to understand alternative forms of relgion and their charcteristics. To examine some of the features of 'cults' and their relationship to the dominant culture. To assess why they are perceived as 'deviant'.
I think the main importance in a person's life is having hope. Religion gives you the possibility of feeling hope, in the world, in your life, that there is a force bigger than you and that therefore you are not alone. It gives you the possibility of belonging to community by simply believing in a God. When a question is asked about religion and it's importance, people automatically assume that it has a theological base. This is not always the case. Religion in wider sense relates to having a belief or faith. The importance of being relgious is that the manner of conduct whichever religion you choose will be one that honours freedom, peace, compassion and the goodwill of humanity. People will like you for who you are and not nessarily what religion you chose to be. I believe that the importance of being religious is to be able to live the lifestyle in the way your eyes would see correct. Religion is just lifestyle you choose and that reigion will specify outlines in the way you live your life.